Instructions for Candidates for Fall 2024 Admissions
- The last date of fee deposit for 1st merit list is September 16, 2024.
- Non payment of dues within the specified time will render the seat cancelled.
- Fee vouchers have already been provided to the candidates qualifying for the 1st merit list in their account in "Applied Programs" on the online admission portal. Fee can be paid via any online banking app using kuickpay.
- Candidates who have qualified for the 1st merit lists on more than one degree program can find multiple fee vouchers in their account on the online admission portal. They must pay the fee by using the voucher of only that degree program in which they want to be admitted.
- 2nd Merit List will be displayed on September 18, 2024 after 08:00 pm.
- Classes will commence from September 23, 2024.
- All admissions are being granted provisionally and will be subject to finalization/confirmation only after submission of SSC and HSSC certificates by the students, duly attested by IBCC, within 02 weeks of admission.
- Errors and omissions are excepted as a notice only.
- Candidates already registered on the portal and awaiting their academic/test results are directed to wait for further instructions to be available on our website.