Department of Anthropology
The Department of Anthropology at FJWU takes a theoretically driven, empirically-informed approach through its comprehensive curriculum and advances practical understanding of human diversity and commonality, across the globe and throughout the long span of human existence.
Behavioral Sciences
The Department of Behavioral Sciences offers multidisciplinary approach to study human behavior which aims at providing students with strong academic foundation along with preparing them for the challenges of graduate study and career.
Biotechnology plays a prominent role in country's sustainable development. Future prospects of this discipline are highly auspicious based on its versatility and usefulness.
Business Administration
The Department of Business Administration of FJWU provides high-quality comprehensive education in all popular areas of business and thus equips its students with standard skills and knowledge necessary to assume high-level responsibilities of business leaders, enterprise managers, financial executives and marketing experts.
Institutional development is an ongoing process without which scientific establishments cannot sustain the strictness and quality of frontier research. Chemistry plays a vital role in the development of strong economy and prosperous society by scientific utilization of the available materials and by providing skilled manpower.
The department of Commerce was established in 2014 in Fatima Jinnah Women University, realizing the needs of industry. Commerce is related to the field of economics that involves the activities implied by the trading of products.
Communication and Media Studies
The Department was established in September, 1999 and is following its vision through its courses offered at bachelors and M Phil level. The Department is determined to attain best place for media students to learn and to train them in order to compete in the industry.
Computer Arts
The success of our undergraduate program BCA (Bachelor in Computer Arts) relies on creativity and effective teamwork.
Computer Science
The Computer Science program at Fatima Jinnah Women University is a unique effort to provide students with the knowledge, skills and experiences to become successful practitioners and leaders in the field of computer science. The department presently offers three degree programs MPhil, Masters and Bachelors of Computer Science.
International Relations
Fatima Jinnah Women University initiated the discipline of International Relations in 1999. Department of International Relations (IR) provides an exciting and enriching experience to young aspiring women with an interest in national, regional and international politics.
The Department of Economics at FJWU stands out in many respects. The courses being offered are forward looking and development oriented combination of positive/normative and qualitative/quantitative economics. The Department presently offers 4 degree programs, Ph. D, M. Phil, Masters and Bachelors in Economics.
The Program of Education at FJWU is designed to provide its graduates with a broad and critical awareness of educational theory, practice and policy, together with opportunities to focus on educational aspects of their own interests and areas of specialization. It thereby gives students a basic grounding in the specialization area of their choice. Currently, the department is offering post graduate, graduate, and undergraduate programs. The details of the programs are as under;
Electronic Engineering
The department of Electronic Engineering, being the newest Engineering department at FJWU not only intends to attract the young and brightest female minds from all over the country but also aims in providing them with an opportunity to learn the latest trends and practices in the field of Electronics.
The Program of English Linguistics and Literature offered at the Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi, has many unique features. The courses, being offered, aim to broaden and deepen the understanding of the relationship between literature, linguistics and society. They are directed towards the development of an extensive understanding of key literary & linguistic concepts. The degree programs offered by the Department of English include:
- BS English (Language and Literature)
- Associate Degree English (Language and Literature)
- MPhil English (Literature)
- MPhil English (Linguistics)
- PhDÂ English (Literature)
- PhD English (Linguistics)
Environmental Sciences
Environmental Sciences Department at Fatima Jinnah Women University was established in 1999. During the short span of time, Department has grown exponentially and has been recognized nationally as well as internationally.
Fine Arts
Fine Arts Program at FJWU maintains a high quality of learning environment and is matched by the teaching and technical support available which ensures that all the students use their unique potential and earn a level of skill which supports their creativity. We are proud of the range of subjects offered in Art and Design.
Gender Studies
Department of Gender Studies (GS) at FJWU offers interdisciplinary degrees in content and approach. The discipline explores issues related to women and across all other denominations of gender.
Islamic Studies
The Graduate Program at the Fatima Jinnah Women University seeks to inculcate knowledge which will be authentically Islamic and at the same time fully aware of the contemporary world and the challenges it poses for the Muslims.
Fatima Jinnah Women University has a strong interest in setting up a Department of Law, as its unique location and strength makes it an ideal place to launch such a program and to impart quality legal education with advanced curriculum in accordance with the needs of Pakistan in world market.
Mathematical Sciences
The Department of Mathematics at the Fatima Jinnah Women University has an excellent research reputation, a strong, demanding program of graduate and postgraduate study in mathematics, and a full range of course is offered. The department has faculty with research interests in virtually every area of mathematics.
The Department of Physics has been established since September, 2015. The vision of Fatima Jinnah Women University is to produce highly competitive individuals, sound in academics, morality and profession. The department offers four years BS program in Physics directing towards MS and Ph. D in future.
Public Administration
The Department of Public Administration, under the faculty of Law, Commerce, management & Administrative Sciences, came into being in August 2005. Since 2005, Department of Public Administration has chalked its own vision keeping in view the overall vision of the University and follows that vision in all of its courses and specializations that are being offered at both Masters' and Bachelors' levels.
Department of Public Health and Allied Sciences
The Department of Public Health and Allied Sciences (DPH&AS) has been established in 2022 under the new Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy with the international collaboration, especially of University of Manitoba, Canada.
Department of Sociology
Sociology focuses on the systematic understanding of society, institutions and human social relationships. The fundamental aim of Sociology is to understand how human action and consciousness both shape and are shaped by social structures.
Software Engineering
Bachelors in Software Engineering at FJWU is four year professional degree program with eight regular semesters that offers a comprehensive approach to the Software Engineering.
Urdu is the National language of Pakistan and the representative language of the Muslims of the sub-continent. It is a rich source of Muslim culture and literature and has a precious intellectual heritage. Urdu is not merely a language: it holds an ideology akin to the ideology of Pakistan.