Scheme of Studies
Scheme of Studies:
FJWU Board of Studies for respective disciplines recommends the Scheme of Studies for M.Phil. and Ph. D. program. The scheme is liable to be revised from time to time. The general layout is as follows:
M.Phil. Semester I and Semester II:
The candidates are offered different courses in the first two semesters. A student is required to successfully complete 24 credit hours course work during this period.
M.Phil. Semester III and Semester IV:
After successful completion of first two semesters, synopsis of research thesis is required to be approved by the FJWU Board of Advanced Studies and Research. Semester III & IV are specified for research and 06 credit hours of research is mandatory for the award of the M.Phil degree.
Ph.D. Course Load and Research:
Ph. D requires 18 hours of course work followed by Comprehensive examination. Then the Ph. D synopsis is approved by FJWU Board of Advanced Studies and Research for Ph. D thesis.
FJWU follows the criteria prescribed by Higher Education Commission. The program is regularly revised, updated and advertised accordingly.
FJWU ensures the quality of M. Phil and Ph. D programs through regular assessment, feedback and follow up by regulatory bodies of the university. Details of rules and regulations pertaining to M.Phil/ Ph.D studies can be obtained from respective department and at the orientation session.