Library Collections
FJWU Library Collections are General, Reference, FJWU Publications, Government Documents and Journals.
- General Collection:
- Reference Collection:
- FJWU Publications:
- Government Documents:
- Journals Collection:
This is the main collection containing high quality selected books related to the FJWU academic programmes. This collection is organized according to Dewey’s Decimal Classification Scheme and shelved subject wise according to the call numbers (000-999) preceding the accession number of the book, pasted on the spine of each item, e.g. 330.1,KHA,3456
A good number of current reference sources are available on reference shelves. Dictionaries, directories, encyclopedias, handbooks, yearbooks, manuals, bibliographies, etc. are distinct feature of this collection. The reference books can only be consulted within the Library.
We are housing FJWU faculty and students research out put e.g. MS projects, thesis, dissertations, research assignments, and the publications of FJWU research centers in separate location in the Periodical room.
The library acquires Government of Pakistan documents related to the study and research needs of its users. These documents highlight important statistics, annual and five year plans, budget, census reports, economic surveys and other material published by the provincial and federal government agencies.
The Library has been acquiring about fifty journals on Subscription and receiving about twenty five journals through donation. A complete list of journals is available at the reference desk of the Periodical room. The current issues of the periodicals are displayed on special shelves in the same room. Back volumes of these periodicals are bound and shelved separately.