Susan B. Anthony Reading Room
The Susan B. Anthony Reading Room is a partnership program between FJWU and the Information Resource Center of the US Embassy in Pakistan.
- Lincoln Corners in Pakistan
Lincoln Corners are a partnership program between host institutions and the U.S. Mission in Pakistan. They are the first place to visit for general information about the United States of America. Reading Rooms serve as reference libraries, information centers, and Programming Platforms for anyone with an interest in learning more about the United States.
- Susan B.Anthony Reading Room
The Susan B. Anthony Reading Room is Located in the central library of Fatima Jinnah Women University inaugurated in the spring 2008. It promotes friendship between the United States and Pakistan through multimedia resources, English language materials, information about studying in the U.S., cultural activities, and lectures on topics of interest. Books, magazines, access to computers, the internet and DVDs offer a “Window on America” and its people – History, society, geography, government, and popular culture. This room is a place to read about America and to exchange views and opinions with Americans living in or visiting Pakistan
- Resources
SBA Reading Room contains a collection of multidisciplinary subjects in English. SBA Reading Room has about 500 core books on current and reliable information on American law, government, society, and institutions. The print collection includes the latest books, encyclopedias, and dictionaries. Resources on tests, admissions, and financial aid for study at a U.S. college or university are also available.
Popular magazines from the U.S. are also received in the Reading Room on monthly basis.
HEC –Digital Library
HEC resources also accessible at Reading Room
- Services
Audio Visual Services
There are Video shows on different subjects including English Language, GRE, Biographies of Eminent Personalities, Sports, History, and Travel Guides etc. SBARR announces video shows in its monthly event calendar.
Book and Poster Exhibits
Book and Poster exhibits are organized with reference to important events, programs, and occasions.
Information Literacy Sessions
Susan B. Anthony Reading Room offers information literacy sessions on the following two areas to increase online research skills among the students, faculty, and staff.
- Internet Research
- Using E-Resources at SBARR
Speaker Programs
Susan B. Anthony Reading Room invites scholars, experts, and leaders to share thoughts, ideas, and expertise on different topics with the FJWU community. SBARR announces “Speaker Programs” through its Notice Board.
Maker Space
The space will serve as a tech lab that will provide students and educators with the latest technology and resources to foster innovation. Maker Lab staff holds workshops on the use of 3D printers, 3D scanners, basic robotics, virtual reality headsets, coding, and circuits. All activities and programs of the Maker Lab are free of charge and open to the public.
Internet Workstations
There are two Internet Workstations for users to retrieve information from WWW and online databases available campus-wide through National Digital Library Program.
- Important Links
Lincoln Corners and Reading Rooms in Pakistan.
- Library Thing
- Contact Us
Ms. Hina Saleem
Coordinator, Susan B.Anthony Reading Room
Library - Fatima Jinnah Women University
The Mall Rawalpindi
Tel: 92-51-9292863
Email: [email protected]