Tender Notice Planning and Development Directorate

Fatima Jinnah Women University (FJWU), Rawalpindi, Invites E-Bids from eligible Firms/Bidders for the work “Supply, Installation and Commissioning of On-Grid Solar Energy System for Fatima Jinnah Women University (FJWU), Rawalpindi” in accordance with PPRA Procurement Rule 38(a), under the Single Stage-Two Envelope Procedure. The necessary particulars for the work are mentioned in the table below.

  1. Registered with Pakistan Engineering Council in Category C-4 or above, and having valid/updated PEC Registration Certificate with specialization code i.e. EE-04, EE-06, EE-11, and CE-10.
  2. Registered with the Punjab Revenue Authority (PRA).
  3. Valid and updated Registration with Federal Board of Revenue both in STRN and NTN.
  4. Registration with Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP)
  5. Valid Registration with Alternative Energy Development Board (AEDB).
  6. Valid ISO-9001:2015 Quality Management Certificate.

Other mandatory/necessary requirements are required to be fulfilled as mentioned in the Tender Documents/RFP.


Name of works

Estimated Cost

Bid Security

Submission Date & Time

Opening Date & Time

Time of Completion


Supply Installation and Commissioning of on Grid Solar Energy System for FJWU Rawalpindi

Rs. 95,371,019

3% of the Estimated Cost

11:00 am

11:30 am

04 months

  1. Tender documents/RFP can be downloaded from the Fatima Jinnah Women University website (https://www.fjwu.edu.pk/), PPRA website (https://ppra.punjab.gov.pk/) or EPAD (Punjab) (https://punjab.eprocure.gov.pk/). The bidder shall download the bidding documents from websites and participate in the bidding process without paying any tender fee.
  2. Interested firms should have adequate financial soundness, similar work experience and personal capabilities.
  3. The bid must be accompanied by a bid security amounting to 3% of the total amount mentioned in the above table, in the name of Treasurer Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi, and must be submitted along with covering letter to the Planning and Development Directorate, on or before 17/02/2025 up to 11:00 AM. The soft copy of the bid security must be attached with E-Bids on EPAD. E-Bids without bid security will not be entertained.
  4. Pre-Bid meeting will be held in the Planning and Development Directorate, FJWU, Rawalpindi dated. 10.02.2025 at 11:00 AM.
  5. Bidders are required to attach soft copy of bid security along-with the technical bid/ proposal and original bid security to be submitted in the university Planning and Development Directorate before tender opening date and time.
  6. Offer received by any other means other than E-PADS, received through mail / courier / by hand before the expiry of submission time will be rejected.
  7. Interested parties may submit their E-Bids till 11:00AM on 17/02/2025. The E-Bids will be opened on the same day at 11:30 AM. No bid will be received after 11:00AM.
  8. Interested E-Bidders can ask for clarification about any part of the RFP document by sending a written request on EPAD. However, they must do this at least three days before the proposal submission deadline.
  9. All Taxes i.e Income Tax, Professional Tax, Sales Tax and Stamp Duty will be recoverable as per directives of the Government issued from time to time.
  10. The Estimate is based on MRS-2025 (1stBi-Annual) items and Non-MRS items.
  11. Incomplete/disfiguring/overwriting/conditional/late bids will be considered non-responsive.
  12. The authority reserves the right to accept / reject or all the application / tenders as per PPRA rules.
  13. All the prevailing PPRA rules/act and other Govt. Notifications issued from time to time shall be applicable.
  14. Other details, terms and conditions if any can be obtained from the Tender opening committee for projects and civil works, FJWU Rawalpindi on all working days during office hours.

Director P&D
Planning and Development Directorate
Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi
Phone No. 051-9292900 (Ext: 1166)

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