Name: | Dr. Aneela Maqsood |
Designation: | Associate Professor |
Department: | Behavioral Sicences |
Qualification: | Post Doctorate (2016-2017) |
Queen Mary University of London, UK | |
Ph.D (Psychology-2012) | |
Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad | |
Ph.D Fellowship (2009) | |
Nottingham Trent University, UK | |
M.Phil - Psychology (2003) | |
Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad | |
M.Sc - Psychology (2001) | |
National Institute of Psychology, Quaid-i-Azam University | |
Phone: | +92-51-9292867 or 9292869 Ext: 131 |
Email: | [email protected] |
Status: | On Job | HEC Approved Supervisor |
Administrative Experience
Head of Department of Behavioral Sciences at Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi.
Teaching & Research ExperienceNovember 30th, 2007- to date
Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi
Assistant Professor
November 14, 2003 to December 01, 2007
National Institute of Psychology, Quaid-i-Azam University, Ibd
Research Associate
August 2003- February 2004
Bahria University, Faculty of Management Sciences, Islamabad, Pakistan
Experience as Trainer & Organizer of Workshops & Seminars
- Resource Person & Chief Organizer of a Dissemination & Training Workshop on “Implementing the Psycho-Educational Model for Teachers as Counselors in School Settings” conducted at Fatima Jinnah Women University, Pakistan dated May 4th, 2018
- Resource Person & Chief Organizer of Two Days Workshop titled “Implementing Psycho-educational Model for Teachers as Counselors in School Settings” organized in collaboration with Federal Govt. Education Institutes (FGEIs), Cantt/Garrison, Rawalpindi., under the funding of Thematic Research Grant of Higher Education Commission of Pakistan conducted at Federal Education Directorate, Sir Syed Road, Rwp. (Feb 26-27, 2018).
- Resource Person & Chief Organizer of Two Days Workshop titled “Psycho-educational Model for Teachers as Counselors” organized in collaboration with Federal Govt. Education Institutes (FGEIs), Cantt/Garrison, Rawalpindi., under the funding of Thematic Research Grant of Higher Education Commission (HEC) conducted at Federal Education Directorate, Sir Syed Road, Rwp. (Jan 15-16, 2018).
- Moderator/Resource Person & Chief Organizer of a One Day Discussant Workshop titled “Panel Discussion on Teachers as Counselors” organized in collaboration with Federal Govt. Education Institutes (FGEIs), Cantt/Garrison, Rawalpindi., under the funding of Thematic Research Grant of HEC conducted at Federal Education Directorate, Sir Syed Road, Rwp. (Dec 6, 2017).
- Resource Person in a Workshop titled “Promoting Tolerance through Education. Organized by FJWU, HEC, & Federal Directorate” 13-17 Nov, 2017.
- Resource Person & Organizer in a workshop titled “Identification and Management of Emotional and Behavioral problems in Schools delivered in collaboration with Secretariat Army Public Schools & College System, Rawalpindi April 19th, 2014.
- Resource Person & Organizer of a workshop titled “Understanding Anxiety among adolescents”, conducted on May 31st, 2013 at Fatima Jinnah Women University.
- Resource Person in a one week workshop titled “Occupational Health Issues” (January 2008) at Fatima Jinnah Women University.
- Boubiche, D. E., Imran, M., Maqsood, A., & Shoaib, M. (October 2018). Mobile Crowd Sensing – Taxonomy, Applications, Challenges, and Solutions. Computers in Human Behavior, ISSN: 0747-5632 (online first) doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2018.10.028. Impact Factor: 3.536
- Maqsood, A., Safdar, S., Anwar, M., & Rehman, G. (Summer 2018). An Exploratory Study of Perceptions about the Delegated Right of Divorce for Women (Talaq-i-Tafwid) in Pakistan. FWU Journal of Social Sciences, Part II, 12 (1), 227-236.
- Khurshid, M., Ehsan, N., Abbasi, N., Maqsood, A., & Gul, S. (April 2018). Breast Cancer Patients: An Overview of the relationship Between Meaning of Life and Life Satisfaction. Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal, 68 (2), 374-378.
- Mumtaz, S., Maqsood, A., & Rehman, G. (2017). Cognitive Emotion Regulation as Determinants of Internalizing and Externalizing Problems of Adolescents. Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 27 (2), 1-16.
- Anwer, M., Malik, N. I., Maqsood, A., & Rehman, G. (December 2017). Moderating Role of Social Intelligence in Expalining Attachement Style and Emotional Intelligence among Young Adults. Pakistan Journal of Psychology, 48 (2), 3-20.
- Qadir, F., Maqsood, A., Sahar, N., et. al. (2017). Factor Structure of the Urdu Version of Spence Children’s Anxiety Scale in Urdu. Behavioral Medicine, 44 (2), 1-8. Publisher Taylor & Francis, Washington, DC. Impact Factor: 1.737.
- Essau C., Qadir F, Maqsood A, et al. (2017). Factor Structure of the Urdu Version of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire in Pakistani Adolescents. Acta Psychopathologica, Vol 3, No. I:4. DOI: 10.4172/2469-6676.100076. Impact factor: 1.77. Publisher, iMedPub Ltd., UK.
- Essau, C. & Maqsood, A. (2017). Individualism and collectivism. In A. Wenzel (Ed.), The sage encyclopedia of abnormal and clinical psychology (Vol. 7, pp. 1792-1792). Thousand Oaks,, CA: SAGE Publications Ltd. (Chapter in Encyclopedia)
- Maqsood, A., Rehman, G., & Hanif, R. (2016). Workplace Environment as Predictor of Burnout in Academicians and the Moderating Role of Personality and Organizational Sector. FWU Journal of Social Sciences, 10(2), 33-43.
- Javed, S., & Maqsood, A. (2015). Diabetes Associated Distress: Implications for Coping and Treatment. Applied Psychology, 3(12), 1-19. Impact Factor: 4.046.
- Khatoon, H., Fatima, G., Maqsood, A., & Qadir, F., & Minhas, F. (2014). Prevalence of anxiety among children exposed to inter-parental domestic violence: Proportional ratio between community sample and shelter home sample. Journal of Pakistan Psychiatric Society, 11(1), 14-17.
- Khatoon, H., Fatima, G., Maqsood, A., Qadir, F. (Dec 2013). Translation and adaptation of children exposure to domestic violence (CEDV) scale in Urdu language. Journal of Public Health and Biological Sciences. 2(4). 282-29.
- Maqsood, A., Jabeen, T., & Khatoon, H. (2013). Assessment of Positive Effects of Illness: Implications for an Integrative Approach of Bio-Psycho-Socio-Spiritual Model. Pakistan Journal of Life and Social Sciences, 11(2), 139-146. Impact Factor (1.03).
- Pauli-Jones, R., Gilvarry, C., Qadir, F., Maqsood, A., Bukhtawer, N., Essau, C. (2013). Adolescent academic stress and anxiety in Pakistan - Do Western measures work in Pakistan?. Psychology & Health, Vol. 28, No. SI, p. 25-26. Journal included in ISI Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Report. Impact factor: 1.983, 5-year Impact factor, 2.947.
- Maqsood, A., Hanif, R., Rehman, G., & Glenn, W. (Winter 2012). Validation of the Three-Component Model of Organizational Commitment Questionnaire. FWU Journal of Social Sciences, 6 (2), 135-145.
- Sahar, N., Qadir, F., Maqsood, A., et al. (2012.) “Relationship between Academic Stress & Anxiety among Adolescents in Pakistan: A Preliminary Analysis”. Journal of Behavioral Sciences, Supplementry Issues: International Conference of Applied Psychology, Vol 22. Pg. 105.
- Hassan B., Maqsood, A., & Riaz, M. N. (2011). Relationship between Organizational Communication Climate and Interpersonal Conflict Management Styles. Pakistan Journal of Psychology, 42(2), 23-41.
- Rehman, G., Taj, R., Bashir, F., Maqsood, A. (2004). Effect of Course of Treatment of Leukemia on Depression. Journal of Behavioral Sciences. 15 (1-2), 9-24.
- Maqsood, A., Rehman, G. (2004). Employees’ Perception of Real and Ideal work environment. Bangladesh Journal of Psychological Studies. 14, 1-18.
Research Papers Presented at National & International Conferences
- Maqsood, A., & Stansfeld, S. Oral presentation titled “A Systematic Review of Mid Age Women’s Multiple Life Roles and Associated Health and Well-Being Outcomes” at 29th International Congress of Applied Psychology titled “Psychology: Connecting Science to Solutions” held at Montreal Canada during 26-30 June, 2018. (As presenting author)
- Maqsood, A. Oral presentation titled "Counseling Needs of High School Students: Implication for a Capacity Building Framework for Teachers as a way forward for Institutional Development" at International Conference on the “Teaching of Psychology” to be held at the Coast Plaza Hotel and Suites in Vancouver, Canada during July 27-29, 2017 organized by Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Canada and Douglas College and Langara College, Canada. (As presenting author)
- Essau, C., Qadir, F., Maqsood, A., Najam us Sahar., Bukhtawer, N., Ozer, B. U., Pauli, R., & Gilvarry, C. The Urdu version of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. International Conference on Education and Global Studies) at International Community House, Kyoto, Japan: April 04 - 6, 2017. (As contributory author)
- Anwar, S., & Maqsood, A. Married Women’s Self-Disclosure as Predictor of Marital Satisfaction: Analyzing the Mediator Role of Relationship Beliefs. 2nd Social Sciences Conference: Social Sciences Resrecah in Post Modern Times”, Organized by Alama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad., December 28-29, 2016.(As contributory Author)
- Maqsood, A., Tahir, A., & Anwar, M.
“Addressing Teachers’ wellbeing in Public and Private sector Universities”. National Conference on Mental Health (NCMH-2016) “Latest Research Trends in Pakistan”, April 28-29, 2016. (As presenting Author) - Khan, S. Naz, S., & Maqsood, A. “Body Image dissatisfaction, Self Esteem, Locus of Control and Social Support in Young Adults from Canada and Pakistan”. National Conference on Mental Health (NCMH) “Latest Research Trends in Pakistan”, April 28-29, 2016. (As contributory Author)
- Maqsood, A., & Mehboob, R. Examining Perception of Academic and Non-Academic Problems of the University Students using an Indigenous Scale. 5th International Conference on Educational Psychology (ICEP-2014) on November 13th, 2014, Pakistan. (As presenting Author).
- Javeed, S. & Maqsood, A. “Diabetes Associated Distress: Implications for Coping and Treatment”. 5th Annual Public Health Conference- “Universal Health Coverage: Issues and Challenges in Pakistan” organized by Health Services Academy, Ibd., Pakistan during December 11-12, 2014. (As contributory Author).
- Maqsood, A., & Qadir, M. Parental Acceptance and Rejection as related to Moral Disengagement among Adolescents in an Urban Region of Pakistan. 8th International Conference on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, held at Roehampton University, UK 15-17 July, 2013. (As presenting Author)
- Qadir, F., Maqsood, A., Essau, C., Sahar, N., Bakhtawer, N., Pauli, R., & Gilvarry, C. Predictors of Anxiety among Adolescents in Pakistan: A comparison of High & Low Anxiety reported Groups. Children and Young People’s Mental Health Conference at The University of Northampton, Park Campus, UK on 3-5th July 2013. (As presenting Author)
- Essau. C., Qadir, F., Maqsood, A., Sahar, N., Bakhtawer, N., Pauli, R., & Gilvarry, C. Anxiety Symptoms among Adolescents in Pakistan: Implication for Prevention. 43rd Annual Congress of European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies (EABCT). Marrakech, Morocco 25-28 Sep, 2013. (As contributory Author)
- Qadir, F., Maqsood, A., Sahar, N., Bukhtawer, N., Essau, C., Pauli, R., Gilvarry, C., & Khalid, A. Anxiety among Adolescents in Pakistan: Factor Analysis of Spence Children´s Anxiety Scale (SCAS). 8th International Academic Conference, at Naples, Italy. September 16-19, 2013. (As contributory Author)
- Pauli, R., Gilvarry, C. Qadir, F., Maqsood, A., Sahar, N., Bakhtawer, N., & Essau, C. Adolescents Anxiety and Academic Stress in Pakistan. 27th Conference of the European Health Psychology Society “Well-Being, Quality of Life, & Care-giving” in Bordeaux, France. July 16-20. 2013. (As contributory Author)
- Maqsood, A., Qadir, F., Sahar, N., & Bakhtawar, N. “Anxiety and Its Determinants Experienced by Youth: Exploring the Indigenous Meaning” at 3rd Annual Public Health Conference Social Determinants of Health: Issues and Challenges in Pakistan” at Health Services Academy, Islamabad, Pakistan. December 3-4, 2012. (As presenting Author)
- Sahar, N., Qadir, F., Maqsood, A., et al. “Relationship between Academic Stress & Anxiety among Adolescents in Pakistan: A Preliminary Analysis” in an International conference of Applied psychology (ICAAP), organized by Punjab University Lahore, Pakistan during, 17-19 December 2011. (As contributory author)
- Maqsood, A. (2008). Role of Family Influences and Children’s Psychological Development. Paper presented at 3rd International conference on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology at Roehampton University, London. (As presenting Author)
- Maqsood, A. & Rehman, G. (2004). Employees’ perception of real and ideal work environment. Represented at 62nd International Conference of Psychologists, Jinan, China. Organized by International Council of Psychologists. (As first/contributory author)
- Health &Well-being
- Educational & School Psychology
- Adolescents’ and Youth Mental Health
- Psychosocial Interventions
- Occupational Health
- Academic Work Settings/ Psychosocial Work Environment
- Attitudinal & Organizational Behavior issues
- Psychometric Research/ Validation of Measurement Models
- Social Issues & Women Issues
Awards & Honors
- Innovation Award for extraordinary contribution in research and its impact on society that is “Initiation of Action Research through Implementing a Teachers’ Training Model” awarded by South Asia Triple Helix Association at 7th Innovation Summit Punjab held at University of Management & Technology, Lahore (March 7, 2018).
- Foreign Post Doctorate Fellowship Award (one year) of Punjab Higher Education Commission, Lahore, Pakistan. (October 2016- October 2017)
- Travel Grant award of Punjab Higher Education Commission (PHEC), Lahore, Pakistan to present a research paper at 29th International Congress of Applied Psychology “Psychology: Connecting Science to Solutions” held at Montreal Canada during 26-30 June, 2018.
- Travel Grant award of Higher Education Commission (HEC), Islamabad, Pakistan to present a research paper at 3rd International conference on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology at Roehampton University, London. (2008)
- Academic Performance Award for obtaining Grade A in M.Phil Dissertation awarded by National Institute of Psychology (NIP), Quaid-i-Azam University (QAU), Islamabad, Pakistan.
- Merit Scholarship for Result/Scores in M.Phil course work awarded by NIP, QAU.
- Merit Scholarship for Result/Scores during M.Sc study program awarded by NIP, QAU.
Professional Memberships
- Member of American Psychological Association (APA)
- Consulting Editor, Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research (PJPR) published by National Institute of Psychology, QAU, Islamabad. (January 24th, 2018).
- Consulting Editor, Foundation University Journal of Psychology published by Psychology department of Foundation University, Rawalpindi. (2017)
- Reviewer for Journal of Gender and Social Issues issued by Fatima Jinnah Women University (02-04-2011).
- Member of Board of Studies for degree program of Higher Education Leadership and Management offered by Fatima Jinnah Women University.
- 2016. Principal Investigator of Project titled “Development of Teachers’ Capacity Building Model to Address the Counseling Needs of Students: A way forward to Institutional Development” Funded by Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan under Thematic Research Grant of 4.0 Million.
- 2016. Research Associate/ Team Member in a Project titled “Promoting tolerance through attitudinal change: Implementing three week instructional plan with students of higher secondary schools and colleges of Rawalpindi”. Status: Ongoing. Funded by Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan under Thematic Research Grant of 4.0 Million.
- 2011. Coordinator & Co- Investigator of the project titled “Anxiety among Adolescents in Pakistan: From Epidemiology to Prevention” in collaboration with Roehampton University, UK. Funded by HEC in Pakistan & British Council for UK partner under International Strategic Partnership in Research & Education (INSPIRE Program). Grant: Rs. 4243712/-
- 2004. Co-Principal Investigator of a project “Impact of Work Environment on Organizational and Personal Outcomes among Private and Public Sector Employees”. Funded by Higher Education Commission (HEC), Pakistan. Grant: Rs. 100000/-
- 2003. Principal Investigator of project titled “Assessment of Work Environment from Employee and Organizational Perspective”. Funded by Mobilink, Head Office (HR Division), Islamabad, Pakistan. Grant: Rs. 35000/-.