Guidelines for Contributors
Submission of Manuscript
Manuscript should be typed on A4 size paper in double space. If submitted in electronic form, the same guidelines should be followed. An abstract of between 200-300 words and relevant Keywords should be provided at the beginning of the paper.
Authors are required to ensure the integrity of their manuscripts with regards to accepted ethical guidelines (i.e. plagiarism and copyrights). If the paper contains any material which requires written permission for inclusion, such will be obtained by the author at his/her expense.
It is assumed that the manuscripts submitted to JLLL are not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Preparation of Manuscript
A title page should be submitted with the complete text of the article, with the author’s full name, institutional affiliation/s, mailing address, phone number, email, and any additional information the author may wish to provide. Tables and/or drawings utilized by the author should be clear, comprehensible and numbered.
These should be arranged alphabetically in APA format 5th Edition.
Publication in the journal means that the author assigns copyrights to JLLL including the rights to publish in print and electronic form. This is to ensure that third party requests for re-publication of articles are addressed promptly as well as enabling an efficient process of distribution. Authors do however retain the right to continue using their material with due acknowledgment of JLLL as the original place of publication. All requests to the above may be addressed to the Chief Editor, Journal of Linguistics, Language and Literature, Department of English, Fatima Jinnah Women s University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan.
Interested parties are requested to send all queries to the Chief Editor, Journal of Linguistics, Language and Literature, Department of English, Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan.
Subscription Rates
Single Copy Individual Institutional
Pakistan (Rs.) 250.00 200.00
Overseas ($) 35.00 30.00
Address: Editor, Journal of Language, Linguistics and Literature, Department of English, Fatima Jinnah Women University, The Mall, Rawalpindi, Pakistan.
Office: 00 92 51 9270050 – 56 ext: 136, 224 00 92 51 9271169, Fax: 00 92 9271158
Email: [email protected]