Department of Bioinformatics

Bioinformatics is a rapidly evolving and interdisciplinary field that integrates computer science with biology to assemble, manipulate and process different types of biological information to reveal novel biological insights. Bioinformatics is the study of DNA, genes and medications, using statistics, programming, and tools. It is an emerging interdisciplinary research area where ultimate goal is to explore the treasure of biological information hidden in the mass of sequence, structure, literature, and other biological data to get a better understanding of the life and life-forming units. This information can be further used to enhance the standard of life for mankind. Bioinformatics involves basic and advanced next-generation computational approaches to decode the high-throughput omics data.

Mission Statement of the Program

The purpose of offering BS Bioinformatics program is to evoke biological data analysis skills in our students as currently biomedical sciences have become more data-driven and bioinformatics is pivotal to all these areas. Bioinformaticians use computer technologies to extract information from biological records. They work in the field of computational genomics, sequencing of the human genome, drug therapeutics and translational research resulting in profitable and valuable industrial, agricultural and medical incubation centres that would have profound impact on productivity and economical efficiency of our country.

Program Objectives

  1. To train students with hands-on practice on real biological datasets using bioinformatics tools and databases.
  2. To broaden the data interpretation capability of bioinformatics graduates for entrepreneurial start-ups

Job Propsects

Job prospects for bioinformaticians are in all sectors of biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and biomedical sciences, in research & educational institutions, hospitals and industries. National and international employers attractively hire bioinformaticians as data analysts, computational biologists, phylogeneticists, scientific curators, bioinformatics software developers, database programmers, bio-statisticians, and molecular modelers.

Undergraduate Program BS Bioinformatics Duration- 4 years Entry requirement- F.Sc. Premedical / A levels with Biology / Equivalent