Name: | Dr. Samia Mudasser |
Designation: | Assistant Professor |
Department: | English |
Qualification: | PhD in Literature and Linguistics (2016-2023) |
Air University Islamabad, Pakistan | |
M.Phil English (2008-2011) | |
Government College University Lahore | |
Masters in English (2006-2008) | |
Government College University Lahore | |
Bachelors in Arts (2004-2006) | |
Lahore College For Women University | |
Phone: | +92-51-9292900 |
Email: | [email protected] |
Status: | On Job |
Professional Experience
August 2018- to date Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi Assistant Professor
September 2013 - 06 August 2018 Air University Islamabad Lecturer
September 2010 - March 2013 Government College University, Lahore Lecturer
September 2009 - April 2010 Government College University, Lahore Teaching Assistant
- Academic Program In charge of BS English from 2016 to 2018 at the Department of Humanities, Air University, Islamabad
- Curriculum Reviewer for BS English Courses and Undergraduate English courses at Air University, Islamabad (2016-2018) and BS English and MPhil Literature at Fatima Jinnah Women University Rawalpindi (2018 to date)
- Secretary M.Phil./Ph.D. Literature Advisory Committee at the department level from (2018 till date)
- Focal Person departmental Cleanliness Committee at Fatima Jinnah Women University Rawalpindi (2018 till date)
- Organized fundraising activity Student Endowment Fund (SAFE) for Fatima Jinnah Women University’s underprivileged students held in March 2021 and 2022
- Published MPhil thesis entitled “Vision of the Post colonial World in New Nigerian Fiction: A Literary analysis of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Sefi Atta, Helon Habila and Chris Abani's selected works” (2011) by Lambert Academic Publishing Germany (March 2012)
- Published paper “Feelings of depression among students: Current knowledge and future directions” in conference proceedings ETRL3 held at Air University, Islamabad on (15 -17 December 2015)
- Published paper “War trauma, Collective Memory and Cultural Productions in Conflict Zones: Kashmir in Focus” in SAGE Open, (15 September 2018)
- Published paper “Corpus based Analysis of Politeness Strategies in Acknowledgement Section of Selected Pakistani Ph.D. Literature and Linguistics Theses” in Erevna Journal of Linguistics and Literature Vol I, I (2017)
- Published paper “Connecting Language, Gender, Literacy, and Facebook: A Case Study with Multilingual Teenagers in Pakistan” in GRR IV, I (2019)
- Published paper ‘Half Widows and Half Mothers’: Traumatic Voices of Women from the Literary Narratives of Jammu and Kashmir in Global Language Review V-VI (2020)
- Published Paper A Daughter's Memoir: Fatima Bhutto's Apology for the Misrepresentation of Her Father in Global Language Review VI-I (2020)
- Published Paper “Clash of Civilizations in Post 9/11 World: Portrayal of Muslim And Non-Muslim Characters In Falling Man” in Journal of Positive School Psychology 6, 9 (2022)
- Published a paper “Her-story: A Gendered Analysis of Wartime Violence in Lisa See’s The Island of Sea Women” in Remittances Review 8, 4 (2023) Doi:
- Published an essay “Literature for Me” in GCU Literary Magazine “The Ravi” 2009
- Published a poem “Guilt” in The Daily Times on 25 July 2018
- Published a poem “Thus Spake a Kashmiri Soul” in The Raconteur Review in June 2021
- Supervised B.A Hons Literature Thesis at Government College University Lahore (2011-2012)
- Supervised M.Phil Thesis (Literature and Linguistics) at Air University Islamabad (2013 till date) Supervised 10 MS scholar theses.
- Supervising M.Phil. Thesis (literature) at FJWU, Rawalpindi (2018 till date)
- Designed and successfully implemented English Language Course entitled “English Comprehension and Composition” for Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (BEME) semester 1 (April 2014)
- Designed and successfully implemented BS English Course entitled “Introduction to Literature I and II” for BS English semester 1, 3 (September 2016, 2017)
- Designed and successfully implemented BS English Course entitled “History of English Literature I and II” for BS English semester 2, 4 (January 2017, 2018)
- Designed, prepared and presented BS ENGLISH program proposal and curriculum for Department of Humanities, Air University, Islamabad in 2016. It was successfully implemented in September 2016 after approval from HEC and Academic Council Air University, Islamabad.
- Participated in Workshop on Outcome-Based Learning at Faculty development Academy (FDA) Comsats Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad (17 February to 21 February 2014)
- Participated in Workshop on Negotiation, Persuasion, and Influencing Skills at Pakistan Manpower Institute, Islamabad (24-26 March 2015)
- Participated in Workshop on Developing Corpus Linguistics in Pakistan at Air University, Islamabad (December 17, 2015)
- Participated in Workshop on Micro-Teaching: Becoming a Reflective Teacher at Faculty development Academy (FDA) Comsats Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad (January 30 to February 03, 2017)
- Participated in Workshop on Building High Impact Communication Skills at Faculty development Academy (FDA) Comsats Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad (January 23 to 24, 2017)
- Participated in The SJSU Islamabad Workshops at Serena, Islamabad (March 27-31, 2017)
- Participated in One Day International Workshop on Outcome Based Education and Implementation at Air University, Islamabad (May 04, 2017)
- Participated in Two-Day Hands-On Training Workshop on Creating, Annotating and Analyzing Corpus of Pakistani Languages at Corpus Research Centre, Air University, Islamabad (July 3-4, 2017)
- Participated in Presenting Poster in Two-Day Hands-On Training Workshop on Creating, Annotating and Analyzing Corpus of Pakistani Languages at Corpus Research Centre, Air University, Islamabad (July 3-4, 2017)
- Participated in Qualitative Research Methods and Academic Writing Workshop, funded by USAID Training for Pakistan Project at Air University, Islamabad (February 12-16, 2018)
- Participated in three-day Professional Development Workshop organized by Women Research and Resource Person at Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi (January 23-25, 2019)
- Participated in six hours Workshop on Academic Writing at the department of Humanities, Air university, Islamabad organized by the department of Humanities, Air University in collaboration with RELO and U.S Mission in Pakistan
- Organized Creative Writing Workshop on 1st Dec 2021 and 29 March 2022 at the department of English, FJWU
- Attended 5-day workshop on Understanding Research and Academic Writing on September 26-30, 2022 at Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi
- Organized 5-day workshop on Understanding Research and Academic Writing on September 26-30, 2022 at Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi
- Attended Two Day Workshop “From Envisioning to Conquering: Workshop on Women’s Academic Leadership Under LCF Project” on December 19-20, 2023 at Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi
- Attended Two Day Workshop “Women Academic Leadership: Developing an Impactful Presence” on March 14-15, 2023 at Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi
- Organizing Committee Member of international conference ETRL3 held at Air University, Islamabad on 15 -17 December 2015
- Organizing Committee member of the international conference Policy Dialogue on Language held at Air University, Islamabad on 23-25 October 2016
- Organizing Committee Member of ICLAP 2018 held at FJWU, Rawalpindi
- Organizing Committee Member of SPELT 2018 held at FJWU, Rawalpindi
- Co-coordinator of Annual National Conference on Linguistics and Literature 2019 held at Department of English, FJWU, Rawalpindi
- Participated as session chair in Annual National Conference on Linguistics and Literature 2019 held at Department of English, FJWU, Rawalpindi
- Organizing Committee Member of National Conference “Promoting Teaching and Assessment of Higher Order Thinking Skills in 21st Century: Possibilities, Challenges and Way forward” 2020 held at FJWU, Rawalpindi
- Organizing Committee Member (Registration) of Annual National Conference on Linguistics and Literature 2021 held at the Department of English, FJWU, Rawalpindi
- Organizing Committee Member of International Conference: Language, Literature, Literacy: COVID and Post-COVID Times held on May 10-12-2022 as Chair Registration Committee, organized by Department of English, Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi
- Organizing Committee Member of 1st PakTESOL ICT Chapter Regional Conference on Changing Approaches and Expending Directions in ELT held on December 26-27, 2022, at Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi
- Organized Fatimaians’ Literature Festival 2023 from Oct 31-Nov 02, 2023 as co-coordinator festival at Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi
- Presented a paper entitled “Vision of the Postcolonial World in New Nigerian Fiction” in the Guest Speakers Seminar Series at the Department of Humanities, Air University, Islamabad (Friday, October 13, 2013)
- Presented a paper “Feelings of depression among students: Current knowledge and future directions” at International Conference ETRL3 held at Air University, Islamabad on 15 -17 December 2015
- Presented a paper entitled “War Trauma, Collective Memory and Cultural Productions in Conflict Zones: Kashmir in Focus” at International Conference Post-conflict Literature, Trauma and Global peace April 29-30, 2019 held at NUML, Islamabad
- Presented a paper entitled “Resisting Patriarchal Ideology: A Postcolonial Feminist Analysis of Daswani’s Everything Happens for a Reason” at International Conference Language, Literature, Literacy: COVID and Post-COVID Times held on May 10-12, 2022 at FJWU, Rawalpindi
- Designed and successfully implemented an English Language Course entitled “English Comprehension and Composition” for Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (BEME) semester 1 (April 2014)
- Designed and successfully implemented a BS English Course entitled “Introduction to Literature I and II” for BS English semester 1, 3 (September 2016, 2017)
- Designed and successfully implemented a BS English Course entitled “History of English Literature I and II” for BS English semester 2, 4 (January 2017, 2018)
- Completed Training Program in Critical Thinking, Teaching Grammar and Presentation Skills from Government College University Lahore (2009-2010).
- Completed English Spoken and Fluency course from Kinnaird College for Women Lahore (19 July- 12 July 2006)
- Completed In Service Teachers’ Training Program from Government College University Lahore (05-08 September 2011)
- Completed a 15-week online Teacher training course under the E-Teacher program “Transitioning to Teaching Language Online” delivered by the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition, University of Minnesota, from January 06 – April 20, 2020
- Attended the Training Program on “Sustainable Curriculum Development” under the project Expanding Career Opportunities for Young Students Through Sustainable Curriculum Design held on October 12, 2022, funded by the United States Government and USEFP
- Attended one-day Training of Trainers Khud ko Pehchaano "Adolescent and Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health (AYSRH) and Family Planning Awareness" organized by Greenstar Social Marketing in collaboration with the government of Punjab and the Punjab Population Innovation Fund on November 25, 2022, at Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi
- Completed 3 weeks of Training “National Faculty Development Program for Newly Inducted Faculty Members of HEIs” organized by the Higher Education Commission, Pakistan held at the National Academy of Higher Education (NAHE, HEC), Islamabad, Pakistan from November 13-30, 2023.
- Prepared, and presented as a team member a BS ENGLISH program proposal and curriculum as per HEC and university curriculum guidelines for the Department of Humanities, Air University, Islamabad in 2016. It was successfully implemented in September 2016 after approval from HEC and Academic Council Air University, Islamabad.