Name: | Prof. Dr. Sarwet Rasul |
Designation: | Tenured Professor |
Department: | English |
Qualification: | PhD English (Linguistics) |
National University of Modern Languages Islamabad (2001 - 2008) | |
Masters in TEFL (Teaching of English as a Foreign Language) | |
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad (2000 –2003) | |
Masters in Political Science | |
The University of Punjab (1999-2000) | |
Masters in English (Literature) | |
International Islamic University Islamabad (1996-1999) | |
Phone: | +92-51-9292900 |
Email: | [email protected] |
Status: | On Job |
Professional Experience
Oct 2015 - To Date
Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Associate Professor
Sep 2004 - Oct 2015
Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Assistant Professor
1999 - To Date
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
Visiting Faculty
1999 - Sept. 2004
Army Pubic School and College, Hamayun Road, Rawalpindi
Nov. 2001 - Sept. 04
F.G.College for Women Abid Majid Road, Rawalpindi
F.G.College for Women Abid Majid Road, Rawalpindi
- Faculty Advisor for the faculty of Education, faculty Of Islamic and Oriental Learning, and faculty of Social Sciences
- Chairperson, Department of English
- Chair, TTS Standing Committee at FJWU
- Senior Management Committee at FJWU
- Secretary/ member Discipline Committee at FJWU
- Member Departmental Promotion Committee at FJWU
- Member, affiliation Committee at FJWU
- Harassment Monitoring Officer /Focal person of Harassments Committee at FJWU
- Chair Students Activity Committee at FJWU
- Member Ethics Committee at FJWU
- Chair Drug Control Committee at FJWU
- Member Examination Committee at FJWU
- Member Research Committee at FJWU
- Member Institutional Scholarship Award Committee at FJWU
- Member Fellowship/ Scholarship Committee at FJWU
- Member Thesis Committee at FJWU
- Member Result Review Committee at FJWU
- Member Loan Committee for Faculty/ Staff & Marriage Grant to in -service Employee at FJWU
- Member Loan/ Advances Committee at FJWU
- Committee for Prequalification of Consultants and Contractors at FJWU
- Member Investment Committee at FJWU
- Member Ethics Committee at FJWU
- Core Coordinator Language skills courses for all Departments MA levelExternal Examiner MPhil/PhD at NUML
- External Examiner MPhil / PhD at AJK, IIUI, NUML, Foundation University, University of Gujrat, Air University
- Chair, Grievance Committee for Students (notified on August 22, 2016)
- Harassment Monitoring Officer
- Secretary Discipline Committee, FJWU
- Nominated member by Syndicate for the Affiliation Committee (November 15, 2016)
- Subject Expert (For English) by FJWU for HEC National Curriculum Revision Committee
PUBLICATIONS (Authored & Co-authored)
- Recent Trends in Pakistani Protest Songs: A Critical Discourse Analysis of ‘Alu Anday, published in Kashmir Journal of Language Research, Volume 20, No. 1, 2017, pp. 233-247.
- National Identity Insinuations in the Advertising Discourse of Pakistani Clothing and Food Brands on Facebook, published in Kashmir Journal of Language Research, Volume 20, No. 1 ,2017, pp. 47-72
- Female Gender Portrayal thought News Blogs: Analysing the Ideological Representation of Pakistani working women, published in FWU Journal of Social Sciences, Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University Peshawar, Volume 11, No. 1, 2017, pp. 163-177.
- Code Switching of English in Pakistani Urdu Classrooms: Bilingual Practices and Challenges, published in Kashmir Journal of Language Research, Volume 19, No. 1, 2016, pp. 54-64.
- Gender Representation and Identity Construction in Pakistani Print Advertisements of Clothing Brands: A Socio-Semiotic Analysis, published in Pakistan Journal of Gender Studies, Volume 11, 2015 pp. 87-112.
- Gender and Power Relationships in the Language of Proverbs: Image of a Woman published in FWU Journal of Social Sciences, Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University Peshawar Volume 9, No. 2, 2015 pp. 53-62.
- Media Discourse and Gender: Issues of Reconstruction of Gender Ideologies in Pakistani Television Advertisements, published in Pakistan Journal of Gender Studies University of Karachi Pakistan Vol 8, 2014 pp 197-218.
- Borrowing and Code Mixing in Pakistani Children’s Magazines: Practices and Functions, published in Pakistaniaat: A Journal of Pakistan Studies Vol. 5, No. 2, 2013 pp .46-72.
- Gender Construction in Obituaries: An Analysis of Pakistani Newspapers, published in Kashmir Journal of Language Research, AJK Vol. 16, No 2, 2013. pp. 45-59.
- Gender Stereotypes in the Language of Pakistani Newspapers, published in Kashmir Journal of Language Research, AJK Vol 16, No 1, 2013. pp. 1-27.
- Errors in the Writing of English at Degree Level: Pakistani Teachers’ Perspective (E.D) M. S. Thirumalai, published in Language in India Volume 12, September 2012
- Repetition: An Elucidation Strategy in Code Mixing, published in Kashmir Journal of Language Research, Volume 13, Issue 1,2011 pp. 57-76
- Code Mixing in Pakistani Newspapers: A Socio-linguistic Analysis, published in Kashmir Journal of Language Research AJK University Vol.12 –No1, 2009, pp. 25-49
- Language Hybridization in Pakistani Media: Redefining Ideology, published in Kashmir Journal of Language Research AJK University Vol. 11 -No1, 2008 pp. 14-43
- Language in Pakistani Crime Reporting: Use of gender Specific Adjectives, published in Pakistan Journal of Gender studies- Centre of excellence for Women’s Studies , University of Karachi, (Special Edition). 2008, pp. 73-81
- Verb Hybridization: An Interesting Aspect of the Spread of English in Pakistan, published in Journal of Research Faculty of Languages and Islamic Studies, Bahaudin Zakriya University Multan, Journal Vol. 11, Issue 1, 2007 pp. 37-51
- Use of gender Specific Language in Crime Reporting, published in Biannual Journal of Gender and Social issues, Fatima Jinnah Women University Rawalpindi, Volume 5, 2006, Number 1
- Language Hybridization and Code Mixing in Pakistani Talk Shows, published in Journal of Research Faculty of Languages and Islamic Studies, Bahaudin Zakriya University, Vol. 10, Issue 2,2006 pp. 29-41
- The Treatment of the Theme of Partition in the Novels of Sidhwa, published in The Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad. Vol. XIV. No. 1,2006, pp. 95-117
- Teaching Reading- The Predicament of Pakistani Readers, published in SPELT Quarterly, Vol. 20, No1,2006 pp.1-12
- Error Analysis and Pakistani ELT Context: Need for Teachers Training, Kashmir Journal of Language Research AJK University Vol. 9 -No1, 2005 pp. 36-52
- Orthography- a Neglected Area in the Teaching of English at O’ Levels, published in Kashmir Journal of Language Research AJK University Vol. 8. No 1, 2004, pp.49-67
- A Conducted a workshop session Situating Research: From Idea to Topic on June 7, 2022 in Four-Day International Training Workshop on Research Thesis/Article Writing( June 7-10, 2022) organized by the Department of Education, FJWU at FJWU.
- As a moderator conducted five days Faculty Professional Development Workshop Under the Project Strengthening Teaching & Research Capacity in Pakistani Women Universities through Collaborative Partnership in Social Sciences, funded by the United State Government, organized by Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi with "The Women University Multan" from May 23 to 27, 2022, with "Rawalpindi Women University" from June 6 to 10, 2022 ,and with "Government College for Women University Sialkot" from June 13 to 17, 2022
- As chief coordinator organized International Conference Language, Literature, Literacy: COVID and Post-COVID Times organized by Department of English, May 10-12,2022
- As a moderator conducted five days Faculty Professional Development Workshop Under the Project Strengthening Teaching & Research Capacity in Pakistani Women Universities through Collaborative Partnership in Social Sciences, funded by the United State Government, organized by Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi at "Rawalpindi Women University" from Feb 28 to March 4, 2022, at "The Women University Multan" from March 14 to March 18, 2022 and at "Government College for Women University Sialkot" from March 21 to March 25, 2022.
- Organized an interactive seminar of British MP Naz Shah on Islam, Pakistan and Women held at FJWU, October 4, 2021.
- As a panelist moderated an online session on Strengthening Teaching & Research Capacity in Pakistani Women Universities held under the FJWU project "Strengthening Teaching and Research Capacity in Pakistani Women Universities through Collaborative Partnership of Social Sciences" organized by FJWU & Partner universities RWU, SWU & WUM, October 22, 2021.
- As chief coordinator organized 2nd Annual National Conference on Linguistics and Literature (ANCLL) ,organized by Department of English, October 05-07, 2021
- Attended webinar session as member of TESOL on Tips and Tools to Strengthen Participation and Engagement in Online Learning organized by PakTESOL's Webinar Series 1.3 in collaboration with Regional English Language Office, US Embassy, Islamabad, August 27, 2020.
- Attended a webinar (online) on CDES Webinar Series on COVID-19 and the Future of Cities organized by Development Economics and Sustainability (CDES), Monash Sustainable Development Institute (MSDI) and Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE, June 16, 2020.
- Attended a webinar (online) series on COVID-19 and the Challenges to Higher Education in Distance Learning, organized by Higher Education June 16, 2020.
- Attended the summit All Pakistan Online Education Summit 2020 organized by: Hybrid Institute of Contemporary Studies, May 16 2020
- Attended a three-day seminar on Socio-Economic Empowerment of Dukhtaran-e-Pakistan: Vision 2020 of Govt. of Punjab organized by Punjab government, February 17-19, 2020.
- As a panelist moderated and chaired a session in Promoting Teaching and Assessment of Higher Order Thinking Skills in 21st Century organized a two-day International Conference as conference advisor: Possibilities, Challenges and Way Forward organized by the Department of English, FJWU in collaboration with Dept. of Education, October 22- 23, 2020.
- Organized a three-day training workshop on Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL), organized by the Department of English, FJWU in collaboration with Learning Innovation Division, Higher Education Commission (HEC), Pakistan, January 08-10, 2018
- Organized the 2nd Multidisciplinary Graduate Conference: Extending the Boundaries of Research Across Disciplines”organized by the Department of English, FJWU in collaboration with Department of English, FJWU , January 29-30, 2018
- Conducted four workshop Sessions on Women in Leadership & Management: Opportunities and Challenges organized by Women Research & Resource Center (WRRC) FJWU in collaboration with Association of Commonwealth University (ACU) and Punjab Higher Education Commission (PHEC), from January 22-26, 2018.
- Moderated and chaired a session in 2nd Multidisciplinary Graduate Conference: Extending the Boundaries of Research Across Disciplines organized by the Department of English, FJWU in collaboration with the Department of Education ,January 29-30, 2018
- As a panelist moderated and chaired a session in 2nd Multidisciplinary Graduate Conference: Extending the Boundaries of Research Across Disciplines organized by the Department of English, FJWU in collaboration with Department of Education, FJWU, January 29-30, 2018
- Chaired a session on 2nd Multidisciplinary Graduate Conference: Extending the Boundaries of Research Across Disciplines organized by the Department of English, FJWU in collaboration with Department of English, FJWU ,January 29-30, 2018
- Moderated and a Jury Member of Two groups of Final round of Model CCI: Debating Federalism on (February 20, 2018) , organized by the Hanns Seidel Foundation(Germany) with the collaboration of Senate of Pakistan ,HEC and Federal Ministry of Inter-Provincial Coordination.
- As a Resource person conducted the workshop on Personal Effectiveness held from May 9, 2018 at The Women University Multan
- Coordinated 4th International Conference of the linguistics Association of Pakistan (ICLAP 2018), held on October 18-20, 2018.
- Coordinated 34th International Conference Society of Pakistan Language Teachers (SPELT, Islamabad Chapter), held on November 10-11, 2018.
- Attended a workshop on Faculty Mentoring Program: Teaching Excellence Workshop organized by Punjab HEC in collaboration with American Institute of Pakistan Studies, Islamabad and University of Education, Lahore on October 5, 2017.
- Chaired a session on International Conference Building Bridges in Initial Teacher Education: Curriculum and Assessment; Theory and Practice; Schools and Universities , organized by Department of Education, FJWU in collaboration with University of Leicester, UK and the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan ,May 19-21, 2017
- Moderated a session in 1st Multidisciplinary International Graduate Conference, organized by Department of Education, FJWU in collaboration with University of Leicester, UK and the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan ,May 04-06, 2017
- Attended workshop “Women on Leadership and Management in Higher Education” on February 13-16, 2017, at Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro.
- In-Service Short-Term Training Workshop of University Faculty on “Andragogical and Communication Skills” organized by FJWU in collaboration with Punjab Higher Education Commission (PHEC) May 30-June 3, 2016.
- Organized and conducted sessions in “2 Day Seminar on “Teaching and Research” organized by FJWU in collaboration with ELTR-HEC, Islamabad, May 31-June 1, 2016
- Attended training on ‘Social Entrepreneurship Seminar’ organized by ORIC, FJWU and British Council’s collaborative partner, the YES Network, August 30- September 1, 2016
- Moderator for the Session in “Translation Matters”3-Day International Conference on Policy Dialogue on Language, organized by Air University, Islamabad, in collaboration with HEC ,October 25-17, 2016
- Moderated and chaired a session in 3-Day International Conference on Women, Environment and Environmental Justice (ICWEEJ) held under a project of Critical Thinking Forum (CTF): Consciousness-Raising of Pakistani Women in Contemporary Academic and Social Issues, December 9, 2016
- Conducted a workshop session on "Qualitative and Quantitative Research" in the 2nd National Workshop on Research Methods, Leads University, Lahore, March 8, 2015Conducted a workshop session on "Qualitative and Quantitative Research" in the 2nd National Workshop on Research Methods, Leads University, Lahore, March 8, 2015
- Organized and Attended 31st International Conference on ELT in collaboration with Society of Pakista English Language Teachers, November 14-15, 2015
- Attended Continuous Provisional Development (CDP) Workshop on “Good Governance” organized by FJWU, November 24-26, 2015
- Attended ‘Social Media for Journalism’ organized by Susan B. Anthony Reading Room at FJWU, January 21, 2014
- Attended ‘Literary Translation Workshop’ organized by British Council and the Karachi Literary Festival, in partnership with the British Centre for Literary Translation, February 5-6, 2014
- Attended International Conference on “Engaging the Learner: Rethinking Education” organized by Department of Education, FJWU, February 10-12, 2014
- Conducted Workshop sessions on Essential Writing Skills organized by WAPDA Staff College, Islamabad, Feb 24-25, 2014
- Attended ‘Enhancing the teaching and learning of English through Teacher Research’ organized by British Council, Pakistan, May 8, 2014
- Conducted a workshop session on ‘Mechanics of Writing a Research Proposal’ organized by Resource Center, Murree FJWU, June 25, 2014
- Conducted 8 workshop sessions at COMSATS, Islamabad on “The Art of Questioning” and “Reflective Listening” at COMSATS, Islamabad for the faculty of COMSATS from all the campuses of Pakistan (January 3, 4 and 10, 2013).
- Conducted a workshop session for MA level students of the Department of English at FJWU on research titled as “Idea to Topic to Hypothesis” (February 19, 2013).
- Conducted 4 workshop sessions on “Communication Skills” and “Essential Writing Skills” at WAPDA Staff College. The Workshops were held on April 3, 4, 5 and 8, 2013.
- Conducted a workshop session at the Department of English, Government College University, Faisalabad on April 19, 2013. The title of the Session was “Bilingualism: Code-mixing and Hybridization”.
- Taught a session entitled “Making a start: Topics and Research Proposals” in the 2nd Module of MPhil HELM (Higher Education and Leadership Management) at Fatima Jinnah Women University on June 27, 2013.
- Conducted Workshop Sessions on ‘Communication Skills’ and ‘Essential Writing Skills’ at WAPDA Staff College, Islamabad on June 22 and 29, 2012.
- ConductedWorkshop Sessions on ‘Research Methodology and Skills’ regarding the English Language Teaching Reforms (ELTR), Phase II organized by the Higher Education Commission at the University of Gujrat from April 25-26, 2012.
- Conducteda session on Action Research as a Means of Professional Development for ESP Teachers Under a five weeks Training Program on 'English for Specific Purposes (ESP)' held at COMSATS Institute of Information Technology in collaboration with (HEC) on January 25 -26, 2012
- Conductedsix workshop sessions on The Art of Questioning and Reflective Listening at COMSAT under Pre-service Training Programme HEC on January 4 and 5, 2012
- Conductedthree workshop sessions on Academic Writing at COMSAT under Pre-service Training Programme HEC (January 2012)
- In continuation with the above mentioned workshop a two-day workshop (6 sessions) on Micro-teaching will be conducted at the University of Engineering Texila as a part of Professional Competency Enhancement Program for Teachers under National Academy of Higher Education on Oct 13, 14 , 2011
- Conducted a two day workshop (5 sessions) on Micro-teaching at the University of Engineering Texila as a part of Professional Competency Enhancement Program for Teachers under National Academy of Higher Education on Sep 22, 23, 2011
- 2 workshop sessions in October on Introduction to Research and Research Types and From idea to Topic to Hypothesisfor the bachelors semester VII students at FJWU (2011)
- 2 workshop sessions in October 2011 on Introduction to Research and Research Types and From Idea to Topic to Hypothesisfor the bachelors semester VII students at FJWU
- Conducted 14 workshop sessions for WAPDA Staff College Senior, Middle and Junior Level management on Essential Writing Skills and Communication Skills during 2010-11
- Conducted a workshop session on “Issues of Identification and Location of Research” organized by US Embassy Islamabad, under English Language Teaching (ELT) Training Workshop for University Teachers in Lincoln Reading Lounge National Library of Pakistan, Islamabad
- Conducted 4 workshops during February 2010 on Literature Review and Research Designfor Open University MA TEFL students.
- Conducted a workshop on Error Analysis for Open University MA TEFL students on 22 January 2010.
- Conducted a workshop for faculty of Fatima Jinnah Women University on Leadership and Team building in Italy (Rome) on a faculty visit in July 2009.
- Conducted a workshop in Arid Agriculture University on Academic Supervision under HEC Research Activities (Summer 2009).
- Conducted sessions on Research Methodology organized by Professional Competency Enhancement Program for Teachers (PCEPT) under National Academy of Higher Education (NAHE), March 2009. The sessions were: Designing a Research Proposal and Writing of Academic Research.
- Conducted various workshops on Leadership, listening skills, capacity building and concept development at various places in Pakistan such as Mirpur, Kotli, Bahawalpur etc. under Active Citizens Program 2009
- Conducted two workshop sessions on Formal Report Preparation and Preparing Memorandums
- Conducted a 3 day workshop on Research Mechanics in Government College University, Faisalabad June 2009
- Conducted workshop sessions for MA English students at FJWU on From Idea to Topic to Hypothesis; How to Write an Abstract, Designing a Research Proposal etc.
- Conducted a full day workshop for an international organization, VSO (Voluntary Services Overseas), consisting of various sessions on: Discover and Dream your World of Work, 4D Cycle (Discovery, Dream, Design, Destiny), Inter-relationship of Active citizen and Leader etc. February 4, 2009.
- Reviewed the Manuscript of English Language Grade 9 forwarded by NWFP Text Book Board, Peshawar a member of its review committee at Curriculum Wing HEC Islamabad. 26-29 October, 2009.
- Conducted a session at the visit of UK Minister Ms.Hasel Blear (Minister for Communities and Local governments) Facilitated a session for interaction with students 2008
- Conducted an interactive session of students at the visit of a delegate of British Muslims from the UK to Pakistan under British Council program.( 2008)
- Visited Ghana (Africa) and conducted 3 days workshops on Active Citizenship/ Leadership/ Asking Questions/ Listening- Interaction 2007
- 10 workshops on Leadership, listening skills, capacity building and concept development at various places in Pakistan under Active Citizens Program 2007-2008
- Workshop sessions for MA TFL students at Allama Iqbal Open University on Error Analysis and Reading Comprehension. 2007
- Under Federal Directorate plan conducted two sessions of workshop for teachers of Islamabad Model colleges and FG colleges in ICG on Reading Comprehension and Inference. (2007)
- Conducted two workshop sessions on Reading Comprehension and Inference and Error Analysis for All Pakistan Teachers organized by Education Foundation Pakistan (2007)
- Conducted a workshop session on Introduction to Language and Linguistics in Islamabad Model College for Girls F7/2 (2006)
- Conducted a session at SPELT Forum on The Use of Figures in Teaching English (2006)
- Under Federal Directorate plan conducted two sessions of workshop for teachers of Islamabad Model colleges and FG colleges in ICG on Error Analysis. (2006)
- Conducted two sessions of workshop in the ELT Course for college and University teachers on the Development of Study Skills of Teachers, organized by HEC at FJWU (2006).
- Conducted four sessions of workshop on different areas of Research and Thesis writing in the workshop organized by English Program FJWU. (2006)
- Conducted a session on Error Analysis in Workshop on Testing and Evaluation in Nov. (2005)
- Conducted four sessions on Language Skills in Study Skills Course for Teachers organized at FJWU in collaboration with HEC. (2005)
- Conducted sessions of workshops on Language Learning Theories for ICELT (In Service Course for English Language Teachers) in collaboration with SPELT and Cambridge University. 2005
- Conducted four sessions of an ICELT workshop organized by Cambridge University in collaboration with HEC and SPELT. (Area: Language Development of Learners) 2005
- Conducted a workshop session for Thesis students M.A English of Fatima Jinnah Women University Rawalpindi on How to Write a Thesis (Abstract, Acknowledgements, contents, conclusions etc.) (2005)
- Conducted a workshop on the Development of Writing Skill at Army Public School and College Rawalpindi. (2004)
- Conducted 5 sessions of a workshop for Fauji Foundation School and College teachers from all Pakistan at Foundation University Rawalpindi. These sessions covered Development of Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, and Teaching Skills. (2004)
- Conducted a workshop for SPELT on Orthographic Errors of Students. (2003)
- Conducted a workshop on Phonetics, Phonology and the Development of Speaking at APSAC (2003)
- Conducted a workshop session on the development of Teaching Skills in Army Public College Humayun Road Rawalpindi (2002)
- Conducted a 2 days workshop in Army Public College on the development of Writing Skill with Specific Reference to the Use of Voice and Narration(2001)
RESEARCH PAPERS PRESENTED IN CONFERENCES: Some of the research papers presented in national and international conferences are:
- Gilani, S.& Rasul, S. Grammar of Covid-19 Visuals Through Language Technology: A Multimodal Analysis of The Front Covers of English E-Magazines in International Conference Language, Literature, Literacy: COVID and Post-COVID , 10 - 12 May 2022.
- Ihsan, L. & Rasul, S. A Morphological Analysis of Lexical Innovations on Facebook and Twitter during COVID-19 Pandemic in International Conference Language, Literature, Literacy: COVID and Post-COVID , 10 - 12 May 2022
- Ajmal, S. & Rasul, S. Female characters in God Of War III and GTA V: A Visual And Linguistic Analysis Of Selected Action Adventure Digital Games in International Conference Language, Literature, Literacy: COVID and Post-COVID , 10 - 12 May 2022
- Aziz, S. Rasul, S. & Aziz, F(2021) Heritage Linguistics Maintenance by Pakistani Immigrants in Oman in 4th International Piri Reis Conference on Linguistic, History & Geography, October 10-12, 2021.
- Khurshid. I & Rasul, S.( 2021) Power of Digital Technology: The MCDA of an Interactive Digital Novel Inanimate Alice in Annual National Conference on Linguistics and Literature 2021 organized by department of English(FJWU), October 5-7, 2021.
- Khurshid. I & Rasul, S.( 2021) Power Relations between Teachers and Students: Feedback and its Impact on Classroom Presentations in AJK Universities inThree-Day International Virtual Conference on Language, Humanities organized by Social Sciences and Education, State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Madura, Indonesia , Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidenreng Rappang, Indonesia , Universitas Al Asyariah Mandar, Indonesia , Malaysian Industrial Relations & Human Resource Association (MIRHA), Malaysia Cape Comorin Trust , Lavender Literary Club, India in Association with Cape Comorin Publisher, India from August 5-7,2021
- Aziz, S. Rasul, S. & Imtiaz, A.(2021) Cyber feminism and Public Reactions: A Feminist Poststructuralist Discourse Analysis in Virtual International Conference Emerging Trends in the Arts and Humanities held on Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of the Punjab Lahore, June 15-16, 2021.
- Khurshid, I. & Rasul, S.( 2021) Variations in Literature: A multimodal analysis of dissimilar versions of the tale "Red Riding Hood" in ELO 2021 Conference and Festival: Platform (Post?) Pandemic held on University of Aarhus & University of Bergen, May 24-28, 2021
- Rasul, S.( 2020) Online Teaching in Public Sector Universities of Pakistan: Challenges and Opportunities inAll Pakistan Online Education Summit 2020, Organized by Hybrid Institute of Contemporary Studies from May16 – 19,2020.
- Rasul, S.(2018) Multilingual Literacy Practices in Pakistani Classrooms in the 4th International Conference of the Linguistic Association of Pakistan (ICLAP 2018) ,held at FJWU from October 18-20, 2018
- Rasul, S.(2018) Creating a Beauty Narrative on Facebook: How the Feminine is addressed in Cosmetic Advertisements in 3rd Kashmir International Conference on Linguistics held at University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir, City Campus, Muzaffarabad from April 16-17, 2018
- Rasul, S.(2017) Rethinking Research and Supervision: Meeting the Global and Local Needs in 33rd SPELT International ELT Conference 2017: Glocalization: Think Global, Act Local, held at COMSATS, Islamabad from November 4-5, 2017
- Rasul, S.(2017) Bhag Amna Bhag: Through a Feminist Poststructuralist Lens (Co-author) ,in the4th International Conference on Language, Literature and Society, Hotel Islamabad, from January 5-8, 2017.
- Rasul, S. (2016) Gender Sensibilities and Pakistani Cyberspace: A Socio-semiotic Analysis of Web comics in theInternational Conference on Gender, Social Sciences and Humanities: New Directions in Scholarship 13-15 January 2016 FJWU in Collaboration with University of Texas, Austin
- Rasul, S.(2016) Webcomics in the Emerging Social Media Participatory Culture of Pakistan, the Conference titled The New Global City: Presenting and Translating Worldwide Cultures Within a Global Citizenry (May 12-13, 2016) at University of North Carolina, Wilmington, USA
- Rasul, S. (2013) “Discourse of Socialization in Pakistan: An Analysis of Visiting Cards” (Co-author) International Conference on Linguistics Beyond and Within, Lublin-Poland.
- Rasul, S. (2012) Illusion and Reality: Pictographic Representation of Women in Urdu Popular Fiction in the conference Representation of Women in Media and Literature organized by Critical Thinking Forum (CTF), International Islamic University Islamabad, Iqbal International Institute for Research and Dialogue (IRD), International Islamic University Islamabad and the Department of English, Fatima Jinnah Women University Rawalpindi in collaboration (May 2012)
- Rasul, S.(2012) From Presentation to Reconstruction of Gender Ideologies: A Study of Pakistani Television Advertisements in the International Conference Implementing Human Rights: A Way Forward (ICIHR) at FJWU. The Conference was organized by the Department of Gender Studies, FJWU in collaboration with the Dept. of Human Rights and Minorities Affairs, Govt. of Punjab.
- Rasul, S. (2010) Plenary Speaker: Multimodal Discourse Analysis: Positioning gender and Power in the Beauty Advertisement Discourse in 26th SPELT International conference titled ‘ELT: Mapping Unmapped Territories’ organized in collaboration with Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi.
- Rasul, S. (2010) Borrowing and Code Mixing in Pakistani Children’s Magazines: Practices and Functions in 15th International Conference of Nepal English Language Teachers' Association (NELTA) in Kathmandu, Nepal.
- Rasul, S.(2010) Parliamentarians Empowerment of Pakistani Women Parliamentarians: Perceptions and Reality’in International conference organized by International Islamic university, Islamabad.
- Rasul, S. (2009)"Gender Stereotypes in the Language of Pakistani Newspapers" in Bangladesh (May 2009) in a conference organized by British Council Bangladesh in collaboration with Dhaka university.
- Rasul, S. (2008) Rethinking Resource Management and Activity Designing in Teacher Education in the International SPELT (Society of Pakistani English Language Teachers) Conference 2008.
- Rasul, S. (2008) ‘Action Research: A Prospective Tool for Empowering Pakistani Teachers’ in an international conference organized by Fatima Jinnah Women University.
- Rasul, S. (2008)’Developing Active Citizenship: Universities as agents of Social Change’ in an international conference ‘The idea of Education’ in Hungary (Budapest).
- Rasul, S. (2007) ‘Language Hybridization in Pakistani Media: Redefining Ideology’ in an international conference on ‘Language Ideology and Media Discourse’ at the University of Leeds (UK).
- Poster Presentation in International Conference World Learning Conference ‘Collaboration of FJWU and UT Austin: A success Story’ (October 26-30, 2015)
- Poster Presentation in seminar course ‘Researching Multilingualism: Key Concepts, Methods and Issues’ at the University of Birmingham, School of Education under MOSAIC (July 05 to 09, 2010). Title of the poster was: Researching Multilingual Practices
- Poster Presentation in seminar course ‘Researching Multilingualism: Key Concepts, Methods and Issues’ at the University of Birmingham, School of Education under MOSAIC (July 05 to 09, 2010). Title of the poster was: Multilingualism and Media Practices
- Poster Presentation in seminar course ‘Researching Multilingualism: Key Concepts, Methods and Issues’ at the University of Birmingham, School of Education under MOSAIC (July 05 to 09, 2010). Title of the poster was: Multilingualism and Socio-linguistic Practices: Funded Research Projects.
- Poster Presentation in MOSAIC Launch Seminar at the University of Birmingham on Code Mixing and Hybridization in Pakistan: A Holistic research Framework. (2008)
ELT Conference: English Language Teaching and Learning in Pakistan: Issues and Developments. (October 1 to 2, 2005) held at FJWU organized in collaboration with HEC, Pakistan.
‘Borrowing and Code Mixing in Pakistani Children’s Magazines: Practices and Functions’ in 15th International Conference of Nepal English Language Teachers, 19- 21 February 2010
- Assistant link coordinator of the link between Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi and School of Education, University of Birmingham under HEC/BC Link Programme 2008-2012.
- Team Leader for Active Citizens Program of Leadership Pakistan (British Council) 2008-09
- Team Leader of Manual Development/Writing Team for Active Citizens Programme Pakistan, Manual 2008.
- Country-wide Best University Teacher Award on January 26, 2008 for Year 2006 by Higher Education Commission, Pakistan
- National Star award for category Education (Women) by South Asia Publications. Out of the 100 people all over Pakistan who were given this award. I am finally selected as the best professional woman for the year and am given a special Star Laureate Award 2008.
- Best Teacher 2006 Award at Fatima Jinnah Women University, December 2006
- Certificate of Excellence on best result of O’ Level at APSAC 2003
- International Professional Development Certification (2013): Received certification for Professional Development in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education and Higher Education Management at Institute of Education, University of London2013
- Certified British Council Teacher Trainer for English Language Teaching 2014
- British Council Trained Facilitator for Leadership Training 2007-08
- Higher Education Commission Pakistan Certified Master Trainer/ Trainer of Trainers: Certified Master Trainer by HEC in training organized by Learning Innovation Division (Higher Education Commission Pakistan) 2010
- Course on Becoming an Academic Writer - Texts, Genres, Practices, Identities at the University of Birmingham, School of Education(2010)
- Course on Researching Multilingualism: Key Concepts, Methods and Issues at the University of Birmingham, School of Education( 2010)
Project Title |
Principal/ Co-Principal Investigator |
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Year |
Grant |
‘Language Hybridization and Code Mixing: An Analysis of Pakistani Newspapers’ |
Principal researcher |
2007 |
Rs. 1,50,000- |
‘Language and Gender Stereotypes: A Study of Pakistani Newspapers’ |
Principal researcher |
2009 |
Rs. 2,00,000/- |
‘Anglicization in Pakistani English Newspapers: A Comparative Study of Past and Present’ |
Co-researcher |
2010 |
Rs. 2,00,000/- |
Discourse Analysis: Studies in Media and Gender |
Principal researcher |
2010-12 |
Rs. 70,00,00/- |
‘Multilingual Literacy Practices as Markers of Social and Linguistic Identities in Pakistan’ |
Principal researcher |
2years (Sep. 2019-August 2021), extension approved from January 30, 2021-January 29, 2023 |
792320/- (0.7 million) |
‘Social Media Infodemic and Mental Well-being in Pakistan during COVID19’ |
Principal researcher |
---- |
July 1, 2020. |
341550/- |
‘An Intervention Study to promote health and improve healthcare knowledge and practices among women at Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi’ |
Co-researcher |
June 2021 – May 2023 |
2.6 million |
US- Pakistan University Partnership” Strengthening Teaching& Research Capacity in Pakistan Women Universities through Collaborative Partnerships with Social Sciences” |
Advisor |
US Government |
August 2021-Augest 2022 |
7671500/- (7.6 milion) |