Webinar Titled "Doughnut Economics: Re-imagining 21st Century Prosperity"
Humanity is living far out of balance, says Dr. Andrew Fanning at a webinar titled “Doughnut Economics: Re-imagining 21st Century Prosperity” organized by the SDGs Research and Resource Centre (SRRC), Department of Economics, FJWU on Dec 21st, 2022. The SRRC is think-tank established by Department of Economics, FJWU with the view that recurrent generation, optimal allocation and efficient utilization of limited resources by the academia can formulate the trajectories for achieving sustainable development.
The resource person of the webinar was Dr. Andrew Fanning, Data Analysis and Research lead at Doughnut Economics Action Lab and a visiting research fellow in the Sustainability Research Institute at University of Leeds. His areas of expertise include indicators of sustainability and wellbeing, links between resource use and social performance, doughnut economics and complex systems and resilience.
Dr. Fanning talked about the concept of doughnut economics that provides a counter narrative to the objective of unlimited growth. He discussed that the economy and society are embedded in earth systems, therefore, all human activities have implications for the planetary resources. Hence, the ultimate objective of development should not be unlimited growth but to thrive without putting excessive pressure on planetary resources.