Tender Notice for Procurement of Laboratory Equipments for FJWU Departments

Fatima Jinnah Women University (hereinafter referred to as FJWU) invites E-Bids for PROCUREMENT OF LABOARATORY EQUIPMENTS (BULK PURCHASE) from economically sound and established parties for its following departments:

  • Department of Software Engineering (Annexure A)
  • Department of Electronic Engineering (Annexure B)
  • Department of Chemistry (Annexure C)
  • Department of Physics (Annexure D)

Terms & Conditions

  1. All interested e-bidders should be registered with Income Tax and Sales Tax Department and must be an active tax filer.
  2. The prices should be quoted in Pak Rupees. The GST to be indicated separately where applicable.
  3. The prices quoted should be valid for 90 days and extendable for another 30 days.
  4. The University may reject all E-Bids or proposals at any time prior to the acceptance of a e-bid or proposal. The University shall upon request communicate to any bidder who submitted a e-bid or proposal, the ground for its rejection of proposals, but is not required to justify those grounds.
  5. Two (2%) bid security of total estimated price in shape of Demand Draft / Pay Order / Call Deposit Receipt in favor of “Treasurer Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi”, must be submitted along with covering letter in the University Purchase Office. The soft copy of the bid security must be attached with E-Bids on EPAD. E-Bids without or LESS earnest money of the total estimated price mentioned below (for each Annexure) will not be entertained. No Crossed-Cheque / Bank Challan / Cash or any other instrument other than Demand Draft / Pay Order / Call Deposit will be accepted.
  6. Estimated Price: (Annexure wise)
    Annexure A: Rs.2,000,000/-                                     2% Bid Security: Rs.40,000/-
    Annexure B: Rs. 2,000,000/-                        2% Bid Security: Rs.40,000/-
    Annexure C: Rs. 3,000,000/-                        2% Bid Security: Rs.60,000/-
    Annexure D: Rs. 590,000/-                           2% Bid Security: Rs. 11,800/-

  7. Please attach soft copy of bid security along-with the technical bid / proposal and original bid security to be submitted in the university purchase office before tender opening date and time.
  8. Offer received by any other means other than E-PADS, received through mail / courier / by hand before the expiry of submission time will be rejected.
  9. Tender Documents are available on EPAD (Punjab)/Punjab PPRA as well as on university website. Detailed Terms & Conditions / Tender documents can be downloaded from EPAD, Punjab, PPRA as well as from university website after uploading / publication of the tender notice. The bidder shall download the bidding documents.

Procurement Method

  •  Single Stage-Two Envelope 

Interested parties may submit their E-Bids till 1100 hours on 22nd January,2025. The Technical E-Bids will be opened on the same day at 1130 Hours. No bid will be received after 1100 hours.


Chair Purchase Committee 
Fatima Jinnah Women University, The Mall, Rawalpindi
Telephone # 051-9292900 (Ext: 1166)

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