Academic Rules
Following are the Examination rules.
There shall be three semesters in each academic year. Two regular semesters i.e., Fall and Spring with a minimum of 18 weeks of teaching and a Summer Semester meant for the students willing to take make-up or prerequisite courses on payment.
Attendance Policy
As per rule, 75% attendance is mandatory for appearance in final term examination.
- The minimum requirement of attendance is 75%. However, The HoD may condone, for valid reasons (maternity, marriage, serious illness, death in family of a close relative, etc). a deficiency up to 5% of the attendance (70% after condoning).
- Cases with 65% to 69% attendance would be referred to the Vice Chancellor by the respective HoD for the request of condonement, provided the number of courses is not more than 50% of the total courses taken. Subject to the approval of the Vice Chancellor, such students will be required to pay a fine of Rs. 2000/- (along with special exam fee subject to periodic revision) per course. The student will submit the fine before that particular exam.
- Students whose attendance is less than 65% shall stand withdrawn from the respective course. However, a student with 50% to 64% attendance may opt to take special exam on the payment of Rs. 10,000/- per paper or repeat the course whenever offered next.
Cancellation of Enrollment
If a student fails to attend any lecture during the first four weeks without any information, after the commencement of the semester as per announced schedule, her admission shall stand cancelled automatically without any notification.
Masters/Undergraduate (Fall 2018 onwards)
- Minimum qualifying CGPA for Masters & Undergraduate level is 2.0 for the successful completion of degree.
- If the GPA is below 1.7, the student will be dropped from university rolls. However, she can seek on time re-admission during 16 years degree program.
- Those students acquiring GPA between 1.7-2.0 will be placed on probation and promoted with the condition of achieving GPA 2.0 and above in succeeding semester.
- There shall be maximum two academic probations in 16 years degree program.
- Both the probations shall not be granted or availed in the first four semesters.
- A student who is on probation 2nd time in first four semesters shall be removed from the rolls of the university. However, she can seek one time re-admission during a 16 years degree program.
MPhil /PhD (Fall 2019 onwards)
- Minimum qualifying CGPA for M.Phil./Ph. D level is 2.50/3.00 respectively
- Students acquiring GPA between 1.75-2.50/3.0 will be placed on probation and promoted with the condition to achieve GPA 2.50/3.0 and above in next semester.
- A student with GPA below 1.75 in any semester shall be dropped from the University rolls.
Repeating of Courses (Fall 2018 onwards)
- A student of Masters & Undergraduate is allowed to repeat a course in which she has obtained grade below “C” i.e. C-, D & F.
- A student of PhD/ Phil is allowed to repeat a course in which she has obtained grade “C” & below.
Dropping a course/incomplete grade
- A student can drop a course with the recommendation of their Department Chairperson/ Incharge and the approval of Admission Committee. W (Withdrawn without failure) grade will be given if the course is dropped before the midterm. WF (Withdrawn with failure) grade will be given if the course is dropped after the mid term.
- I (Incomplete) grade is given when a student is unable to appear in the final examination for medical or other reasons (emergencies). The course graded I has to be completed, failing which the course will be graded F.
- The status of a course may be given as non-credit if the student states it at the time of registration.
- In all other cases the status cannot be changed.
Missed Exams:
- Only a student who missed mid/Final term Exams due to her own marriage, Hajj, sickness of Child, medical reasons including maternity/ accident or death in immediate family is allowed the re-take of Special Exam on Payment of Rs. 3000/- per paper. Partial waiver may be granted in special circumstances on the recommendation of HOD/Dean and approval of the Vice Chancellor.
- Applications, other than the mentioned reasons will not be entertained., therefore shall be rejected at departmental level
- An application for Special Examination will be granted on request supported with relevant documentary proof only.
- All applications based on medical grounds will be examined/verified by the University Medical officer.
- All applications for re-examinations shall reach the office of the Controller of Examinations, through proper channel, within or prior to the exam week.
- Applications sent after the prescribed time, will not be entertained.
- A student who arrives more than 30 minutes after the start of the Mid/Final Examination, shall not be allowed to sit for the exam.
Damaged/Lost Answer Sheet
In an exceptional case where an answer sheet is damaged, lost or destroyed due to unavoidable circumstances, the student may be given the following options:
- Average marks shall be awarded to the student in that subject/course based on the rest of the assessment.
- In case of Final Examination, the student shall be given a chance to take a special Examination without any fee.
Award of Medals
A student qualifying for the award of medal must:
- Secure highest CGPA in the respective session for award of Gold Medal.
- Secure 2nd highest CGPA in the respective session for award of Silver Medal.
- Obtain 3.0 and above CGPA
- Not have been placed on probation/conduct probation and any disciplinary record during the entire academic session
- Passed examination in each course of study in the first attempt. A student repeating the courses for passing (F Grade) or improving (D Grade) her grades, shall not be entitled for distinction.
- Completed all requirements for the degree program during the minimum prescribed period.
- In case, two or more students acquire the same CGPA, the position shall be decided on the basis of percentage of marks obtained by those students.
- Minimum number of graduating class for the award of medal in each discipline shall be ten (10) for 16 years degree and five (05) for MS/MPhil.
Degree Conferment
- The University shall conduct Convocation once in a year to award degrees to graduates as per laid down criteria.
- Urgent degree shall be issued upon the request of a student on the payment of Rs. 10,000/- along with the University clearance proforma submitted to the Examination office through proper channel.
- Duplicate/Revised Degree may be issued to a candidate in case the original degree is lost/damaged or in case of change in the name of the candidate. In such cases the candidate must apply to the Controller of Examinations for the issuance of duplicate/revised degree along with the relevant documentary proof as per University rules through proper channel.
- The Duplicate Degree shall be signed by the Vice Chancellor and Controller of Examinations only.
- After successful completion of the degree program, students with special needs will be provided fee waiver for the issuance of degree, transcripts and degree attestation.
Note: The approved FJWU Rules and Regulations may be updated time to time.